Earlier this week the semifinalists for this years James Beard Awards were announced, here are the chefs and restaurants in Philadelphia with links to their web sites.
Philadelphia doesn't have a nominee for Outstanding Restaurant but it has at least one in each of the other major categories including six nominee for Best Chef: Mid-Atlantic.
Best New Restaurant
Vernick Food & Drink, VernickPhilly.com.
Outstanding Bar Program
The Franklin Mortgage & Investment Co., TheFranklinBar.com.
Outstanding Chef
Marc Vetri, VetriFamily.com, @marcvetri.
Outstanding Pastry Chef
Andre Chin and Amanda Eap, ArtisanBoulangerPatissier.com.
Outstanding Restaurateur
Stephen Starr, Starr-restaurant.com (Warning: audio auto-play).
Outstanding Service
Fountain Restaurant at Four Seasons Hotel, FourSeasons.com/philadelphia/dining/ (What a classy URL.)
Vetri, VetriRistorante.com.
Outstanding Wine, Spirits, or Beer Professional
Tom Peters, Monk's Cafe, MonksCafe.com.
Rising Star Chef of the Year
Joe Cicala, Le Virtù, LeVirtu.com. (Warning: audio auto-play).
Christopher Kearse, Will BYoB, WillBYoB.com.
Best Chef: Mid-Atlantic
Pierre Calmels, Bibou, BibouBYoB.com.
Konstantinos Pitsillides, Kanella, KanellaRestaurant.com.
Sylva Senat, Tashan, MyTashan.com.
Brad Spence, Amis, AmisPhilly.com.
Lee Styer, Fond, FondPhilly.com.
Marcie Turney, Barbuzzo, Barbuzzo.com/barbuzzo/.
The awards will be presented May 3 and 6 in New York City. Here's the complete list of nominees (.pdf).
Graphic Credit: Knife & Fork icon. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. I found the graphic at WikiMedia.org.
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